Finally, a Simple, Effective Trading Strategy that Does not Cost Thousands!
(and it Works Even if YOU Work Full-Time)
Learn this Long-term Swing Trading Strategy I use in my Own Accounts
Dear Fellow Trader,
Years ago I embarked on a journey to find the very best stock investing techniques from the greatest investors in history. Like many people, I was fed up with lackluster returns produced by mutual fund money managers in my own aggressive portfolio. Once I found out that 80% of mutual fund managers can't beat the market averages, I decided it was time to find a better way!
So I studied the greats like William O'Neil, Warren Buffet, Ben Zacks, Peter Lynch and others. At the same time, I also became very interested in what the brightest minds had to say about technical trading techniques and the best way to trade. After years of study and practice trading, I discovered and confirmed that the best way to trade was stock channeling or "swing trading" to maximize your annual gains!
At first, like you, I was very skeptical. After all, isn't market timing impossible? Won't commissions goble up all my profits unless I 'buy and hold'?
Well, after about a year of careful study and practice trading, I found that these strategies actually do work! In 2002, following the strategies I'd like to offer you, I was able to make 80% paper trading buying low and selling high every few weeks. And this was during the the tail end of the worst bear market in 60 years! I then discovered how to combine swing trading with powerful fundamental analysis to boost returns and trade with even greater confidence and more peace of mind.
Now I'm convinced swing traders can earn up to 10-20% (or more) per month during a strong bull market!
The secret to this technique is multiple short-term gains of 5-30%. Instead of buying and holding a stock for a year or more hoping to get 50% (a lot can happen in a year to a company), you buy and hold a stock for just a few weeks. Think of it as short-term value investing. The advantages of this are two-fold.
First, instead of putting all your eggs in one basket, you hold many stocks over a course of a year. This spreads the risk among many stocks instead of just one. Secondly, you buy top performing companies on a dip at exactly the right time to maximize your chance of a sizable short-term gain!
This powerful strategy targets a 5-30% return within 2-3 weeks. What makes this so powerful, is the magic of compound interest. The reason so many swing traders target small short-term gains is due to the fortune you would amass by consistently achieving these returns over the long-term.
If you were able to earn 15-20% per month consistently, you would double your money every 4 months assuming you re-invest your profits. Doubling your money every 4 months would turn $2,000 into a million dollars in 3 years! Here's proof:
This is exactly why some people choose to swing trade in their aggressive portfolio.
And with our techniques you only risk being in the stock for a few weeks while the company is doing great! You see my techniques quickly identify stocks that are exceeding everyone's expectations today. Profits are up and the future outlook is improving.
Of course, most companies won't continually exceed expectations for the long-term (more than a few months) and to say a particular company will is just guessing! With my system, you're only invested in the top performing companies while they are performing well. You have a smaller chance of being in the stock when things turn south!
And as any good trader will tell you, the key to any trading strategy is to cut your losses short and let your winners soar and our system teaches you how!
This is not Day Trading or Penny Stocks! You Can Keep Your Day Job and Still Become Wealthy!
Unlike day trading, you don't need to be around watching your stocks during the day. Resist the urge and keep your job with the excitement knowing that you could be wealthy a lot sooner than you think. You just need a few minutes every day to check your stocks. A couple of hours a week is all it takes to check your stocks and find other great companies ready to purchase!
Of course, the key to any investment strategy is which stocks to buy and when. My book shows you how to find the very best stocks to purchase for the next few weeks and beyond and in what industries. This 'gold mine' of great stocks comes with a super stock screener where you can quickly find stocks poised to soar! I typically find one or two ideal trading opportunities within an hour of looking using the powerful techniques I'm about to show you.
I truly believe that this book will make you a better, very wealthy investor if you follow its step-by-step approach. Here's a few of the super strategies you'll discover:
- Technical analysis techniques that forecasted all the steep sell-offs in 2008 in our Daily Alert Service!
- How to alter your trading strategies to increase your chances of success in a downtrending market! With and without shorting the market!
- Learn our 'perfect technical setup' and how to determine if a stock fits the profile in mere seconds!
- The number one rule of stock investing. Following this one simple rule has saved us thousands!
- How to stop agonizing over when to sell! I'll show you how we confidently sell and take handsome profits!
- How to 'use the news' to know when to be in or out of a stock. Not knowing this can be very costly!
This one book teaches you how to trade and gives you all the information you need to be a master swing trader! No interviews, 'free' bonuses, or other fluff. Just a hard-hitting, step-by-step instruction manual that anyone can follow. The simple charting software you need to implement this strategy is totally free on the internet! You pick the stocks yourself using the best stock screener on the web (This screener is literally worth a fortune!) where there are always dozens of top-quality stocks to choose from.
This one book along with a computer with an internet connection and a drawing program (the free MS Paint for example) is all you really need. A couple of hours a week is all it takes after you read this powerful, 5-step instruction manual.
Not completely convinced? Take a look at just a small sample of some of the huge winners we called in our Daily Alert service using these and similar techniques!
ANAC - ANAC exploded out of multiple bullish patterns in 2015. The stock nearly tripled within 2 months after alerting customers.
VIPS - VIPS was our first top trading setup in 2014. The stock doubled in about 2 months after we featured it to clients.
AAMRQ - Soared 70% higher within a month of being featured to subscribers in late April 2013. The stock skyrocketed over 1,500% after we tipped off subscribers in January of 2013!
ALGN - ALGN soared more than 300% after being featured to clients in late 2016 in the Daily Alert service.
TTD - TTD more than doubled after being featured in the Daily Alert at the end of 2018.
I firmly believe if you follow the techniques in this ground-breaking, step-by-step manual, you'll see these kinds of results over and over again! I've found that 5-30% gains are the norm with some losses and a few monster winners of over 30% within a few weeks!
Now I know that many people are skeptical when they see these numbers and I'd hate to see you not at least give it a shot. So I've decided to give you an offer you can't refuse. If you buy my course and do not see consistence 5-30% gains with occasional losses after practice trading my techniques on a simulator without real money for 2 months, I'll refund your purchase price you pay us today for the book.
No need to waste either mine or your time if you don't intend to use the information in my book. You have nothing to lose so why not give it a shot! Here's a recap of the powerful techniques you'll learn in this book - "Power Investing - Trade Your Way to Financial Freedom":
- How to quickly find quality small cap and large cap stocks FREE that are poised to explode with gains of 5-30% within days!
- Discover how to read market trends and spot impending market turnarounds like a pro!
- How to stop agonizing over when to take your profits! Protect your profits with no regrets!
- How to 'use the news' to know when to be in or out of a stock. Not knowing this can be very costly!
- The top technical indicators and a step-by-step guide to generate a complete chart with these key indicators for FREE!
Most companies will charge hundreds if not thousands of dollars for the opportunity to learn similar techniques (Believe me, I've searched and searched and haven't found a better value than what I'm offering you here). This is a step-by-step manual that doesn't require expensive follow-on services for a fraction of the cost!
I promise you, this introductory offer won't last so act now! Just click the Order button below and you'll be sent to our secure server where you can have this downloadable book in mere seconds from now!
Sincerely Yours,
Brian C. Neall
Founder -
Ordered your book yesterday and can’t put it down! I’ve been using my own approach of swing trading several enhanced major market index mutual funds with a moderate degree of success. Your book has enlightened me to incorporate several of your ideas into my system, and back testing shows much improvement over my own approach. I’m too lazy to screen for stocks, so I’m going to take it to the next level and trade (VERY CAREFULLY) index options. Your book is a condensation of tried and tested concepts and I wish I had discovered it sooner. It would have saved me many dollars of learning to trade the hard way.
George from Summit, NJ
I just want to tell you how grateful I am for you doing what you do. I’m brand new to trading stocks and I’ve been reading and searching for everything I can get my hands on about profiting from the market. I must admit, in the beginning, I was lured in by news, emotions, profit chasing and “….(other market expert)”. Needless to say, that bit me in the ass! Now that I’ve settled down and started focusing more on your picks/advice and re-reading your e-book, things are getting much better… and for that, I thank you! I was first drawn to your website by its name(a great name, by the way), after that, your sincerity and realistic approach, backed up by previous results were very impressive. Your weekly alerts, along with your explanations are informative and succinct. The new “linkable” website is great! I’m starting to see the patterns without the lines being drawn.
Marcos from CA