Give Me 2 Weeks and I Can Turn You into a Profitable Trader and Set You on a Path to Reach Your Ultimate Trading Goals a LOT Sooner

(Get Past Your Sticking Points NOW Before Letting Another Month Pass By)

Why Waste 2 to 5 Years in the Market Wilderness Trying to Become Consistently Profitable?  Get Your Sticking Points Resolved NOW

Dear Fellow Trader,


Successful trading requires a lot of details to be covered.  There is no doubt about it.


Miss some of these little details such as risk management and trade qualification and it can make the difference between being wildly profitable or unprofitable over the long-term.


So if you are not very profitable already, why not have a successful trader look over your trades and help fill in the missing pieces directly?  Before wasting any more of your precious time?


People hire others to teach them how to play an instrument, a personal trainer at the gym or how to swing a golf club properly.


Many people pay a lot of money to get started right when learning those other activities.  Why?  Because its the most effective way to learn anything quickly and handle all your sticking points to become good at something.


So it floors me when people are not willing to spend a little to get a great start trading.  An activity that can literally mean millions of dollars to you over the long-term.  Miss some critical details early, and big profits can turn into losses or just spinning your wheels over time.


People spend hundreds of thousands and many years going to medical school, law school or getting a PhD in another profession.  So why not spend a tiny fraction of that to have a chance to earn similar money over the long-term?  Its just common sense.

Doing it All on Your Own is a Very Tall Order

Most traders get lost in the market wilderness for 2 to 5 years before finally finding a strategy and a set of rules that works.  If they do find a good strategy.


They usually try penny stocks, options or the latest shiny object trading strategy.  Once they have a big drawdown or the shiny object strategy causes a blowup, they realize they need a strategy that has worked well over the long-term.


Others will find a good strategy but run into the same problems over and over again.  This is where a great coach can help you get past the sticking points that are holding you back.


If you do not do certain things correctly when trading, the prognosis is not good long-term.  Many traders will just bang their head against the wall for years not even realizing the common problems and how to tackle them quickly as taught in our 2 week boot camp.


Watching a successful trader go over all the opportunities they would trade and the ones they would avoid each day and why is worth a fortune.


In 2 weeks you will quickly learn what a successful trader does each day to use the most effective strategies I have found over 20 years of trading.

Learn How to Quickly Spot More Life Changing Home Run Trades

The daily alert service has featured a LOT of trading opportunities that quickly doubled and even gone up 1,500% or more in about a year.


One method to be wildly successful trading is try to identify the characteristics early in a trade that point to a potential massive move over the next year.


PLTR, APP, NVDA, SMCI, ELF, CELH and the dozens of others featured in the daily alert that quickly went up 100% to 1,500% in price had a lot of things in common.  In this 2 week trading boot camp, we will be studying a lot of the biggest market winners that appeared in the service and the signs they had in common before the trade and soon after reaching the entry trigger price.


This could be a life changer for the few that will qualify for this advanced trading boot camp.  We only have room for a handful of traders to join this special program.


You could literally have a 20% win rate and still get rich quickly using this strategy.  We show you how to get in at an ideal technical entry point with a 2.5% stop-loss and go for up to a 1,000% return or more within a year.


This is an unheard of reward to risk ratio and has the potential for incredible returns with very low risk per trade.  You will quickly say goodbye to stocks in long-term downtrends where you have to sit on a big loss hoping that things turnaround.  Too often, they don't.


There will be multiple presentations and question/answer sessions on the topic of risk management as well.  One of the most critical skills to master when trading.


We will have an entire day devoted to multi-baggers and the ideal technical and fundamental signs they had early in their move.  We also show you a great way to manage the trade to lock in a great profit early and let the rest run for a potential life changing run.


In just the past 6 months we have had multiple stocks in the daily alert  service that were displaying these early signs.  Some went up 100% to 400% within weeks while holding a 2.5% stop-loss below the entry point listed in the daily alert.  This is key to big success when trading.

If You Would Rather Day Trade, These are the Strategies That Actually Work

I have done 10s of thousands of day trades over the past 10 years to test different day trading strategies.


Remember day trading is buying and selling a stock the same day.  Swing trading and position trading involving holding stocks overnight.


Over the years, some of you have asked for courses and webinars covering day trading.  Swing trading and position trading are better for most but some of you may like day trading or want to day trade until the next ideal swing trade comes up.


In the boot camp we will be going over the only day trading strategies that worked in a live account and showed promise in our back-testing over 10s of thousands of trades over the last 10 years.


We will be covering our 2 favorite day trading opportunities that work.  We will also go over many other strategies promoted online that did not work and why.


Its nice to get in and back into cash during the market day.  However, its tough to make the big money day trading with a small account.  Often you have to short low priced stocks after a pump and this is risky.


However, there are plenty of good day trading opportunities on much less risky stocks during earnings season and we will cover exactly how we trade these good opportunities.  We will also go over how these patterns fit into the longer-term trend and a possible swing trading opportunity for those that get off to a good start.


We will show you exactly how to find these opportunities, the ideal entry points and exact exit points using the strategy rules.  We will also show you how to make these trades automatic so you can simply walk away and do other things after entering the trade and have it managed automatically.


Its day trading with much less stress using strategies that work.

What Exactly Do I Need to Do Each Day to be a Successful Trader?

Here is one of the biggest benefits of the boot camp.  You learn exactly what a successful trader does each day in real time.


We do the screening (using FREE tools), watch list building and management, checking the watch lists and gappers that morning, qualifying any new news and technical signals, qualifying the overall market conditions, and have a clear plan for any stock that may reach a good entry point that day.


This is where you are going to learn a lot.  Most traders have no idea how to look for the higher win rate trades.


Level of volume, size of the float, price of the stock, how long a stock has been trading, the industry, industry relative strength and many other factors are checked to ensure we are in the high win rate areas of the market.


We are here to make money.  Not to try this trade, try that trade and hope it holds above a moving average over the next few days.  We are looking for the highest win rate trades while using a very tight stop-loss with a lot of upside potential.


The top strategy taught in the rapid account growth course has a very high win rate with a great reward to risk ratio when the opportunity meets all the rules in the course pre-market the day it reaches the entry point.  We will be walking through dozens of these opportunities during the boot camp and going over how to qualify each.


Plus we go over even more insight and tactics you can use to improve your win rate even more and when to take more off at the first profit target and when to let more of your profits run.


We will then go over the most common problems we have had to overcome and other challenges that most traders face.  And the best way to get past these road blocks.


Once we go over dozens of examples of current and recent trades, the strategies will become crystal clear while you learn even more winning tactics and rules that can take your trading to the next level.

There has Never Been a Better Time to Take This Training

Back in the 1970s and 1980s, it could cost hundreds of dollars to get in and out of each trade.  If you had a small account, it would cost 5% or more of your trading capital just to enter an exit the stock.


Over the past 10 years, commissions have fallen to $0 with many reliable online brokers.  This opened up tremendous opportunities for short-term swing trading.


So, until the last decade or so, you lost a sizeable amount on commissions.  Now you can get another 5% per trade on commission savings alone versus what you had to pay decades ago.


Now pair that with trading apps that allow you to get into a swing trade whether you are.  Not a good tool for day trading or penny stocks but a great free tool for swing trading where the profits are generally a lot bigger per trade.


So you want to learn these top strategies now due to these sudden advantages.  And have someone clean up your mistakes and get past your obstacles holding you back.


Now is the time to do this.  Not next year or the year after.  Why wait years longer to get on the right track to reach your financial dreams?

But Isn't a Boot Camp Expensive?

Ask yourself this.   What is more expensive, being frustrated for years and giving up or getting your trading handled now so you can reach your financial goals years sooner?


Most will never discover these nuances and best strategies in the modern market.  Free commissions and trading apps completely changed the game and you want to start taking advantage of it now.


Not by studying charts for thousands of hours over the next year or so but by going through this program to immediately set you on the right course and start making money consistently a LOT sooner.


In the boot camp we will have pop quizzes to ensure you understand the material.   Every day over a 2 week period you can ask questions and a successful trader with over 20 years experience will answer them.  Not a newbie with very little experience and a strategy that just will not work over the next decade.


You want to learn from someone who uses strategies that top traders use and who has taken the top strategies to the next level.


You do not have to start with a large account to make a lot of money trading.  An average trader will take a large account and turn it into a small account.  A great trader can take a small account and turn it into a large account with low drawdowns using these methods.


Most boot camps cost several thousand dollars or more.  Trading educational seminars will come to a city near you and charge you 10k or more.


This 2 week boot camp is a steal at $994.  A fraction of the cost to get started right.  It will demolish your sticking points, teach you how to trade with low risk per trade and huge upside potential, and take you to your ultimate goal a LOT sooner.


There has never been a better time to learn short-term and long-term swing trading.  Handle what is holding you back now, and you have a very prosperous trading career ahead.

Will I Need an Expensive Trading Platform, Follow-on Services and Study Past Chart Patterns for Months or Years?

Do you have a smart phone and a little bit of risk capital to put into a trading account?


That is all you really need to use the top strategies used by many of the most successful swing traders of our time.


The boot camp will go through example after example, show you all the qualifying rules we use and how to manage your risk tightly.


Remember, this is swing trading so you can do it from your smart phone at work.  No taking months to study onerous trading courses and using methods that are easy to mess up and are really not very good over the long-term.


We show exactly what a perfect swing trading setup looks like with live examples and I will answer your questions each day during this intensive training.


Why You Should Choose This Program

I have been trading for more than 15 years and very actively with shorter-term swing trading strategies over the past 9 years.


Back in 2012, I made the bold claim that a new passive strategy I developed could be a 5 to 10 bagger (5 to 10 times your money) over the next five years.  It ended up doing just that for those using full position sizes with no margin or options just by following the simple instructions each week.


Keep in mind this was while playing with an "open hand".  In other words, we told customers exactly which 3 stocks to buy and sell the day before the trades were to be placed.  We did not jump in a stock, "call out the trade" and then sell minutes later.  Again, we were telling customers exactly what to buy and when the day before entering the trades.  Not saying "well, these look pretty good pre-market but who knows whether we will trade them or another stock".


In the last bull market, the strategy ended up delivering over 3,000% in its first 9.5 years with compounding for those following the instructions carefully.  The strategy involved just 15 minutes of executing trades on 1 day per week.


The strategies taught in the boot camp can potentially deliver 3,000% or more in less than 1.5 years.  Obviously, it requires more time each week but gives you a realistic shot based on my back-testing and my more than 15 years trading experience.  But it performs great as long as market conditions are good enough which is around 80% of the time.  This boot camp shows you how to qualify the current market environment first., my website, has been in business for over 15 years and we have been a proud member of the online better business bureau since 2006 with their highest A+ rating.  So, we do not pay for sketchy testimonials either like some other services.  You have to earn the BBB highest rating by treating customers well over the years which we do.


I am also perfectly willing to tell you my real name unlike other services that have not been around for over 15 years.


Many of our customers have been subscribing on and off for over 10 years.  So, no, this is not a strategy built by someone with very little trading experience with a popular social media channel.  After thousands of trades and over 15 years experience in both long-term and short-term swing trading, these strategies are proven to be our best for rapid small account growth with a new one that is perfect for growing small accounts even if you work full time.


I also post on Stocktwits occasionally and have over 9.3k followers.  We have a Youtube channel also with a few videos and a few thousand subscribers but normally are trading or serving customers instead of working on growing a social media audience.

Here is a Complete List of What You Receive in the New Boot Camp

You are only 20 to 100 trades from being MUCH wealthier.  And this boot camp will show you how to find the ideal trades to get you there that are very simple to execute.  You can get started trading on a simulator right away which will be taught in the boot camp as well.


When you act today, you receive 2 weeks of intensive training to get you to profitability quickly, clean up your costly mistakes, identify and quickly get past your sticking points and set you on the path to reach your trading goals much more quickly over time.  There is no need to take years to finally "get it" or find the "holy grail" in trading.  Or study charts for thousands of hours before even starting.


We will be taking a full day on how to identify home run opportunities that can double to 10x or more over the next year.  We will be covering the many big winners over the past 10 years in our daily alert service and showing you the commonalities they had with the other big winners.  Early signs that the stock could be the best or one of the best performers in the market over the next year.


I will show you how to get into these with a 2.5% to 4% stop-loss, how to ensure a profit quickly if it gets off to a good start, and how long to hold onto these to capture a huge trending phase in a stock.  No need to wait 4 years or more for a stock to finally make you money.


We will then go over all the top opportunities setting up each day and what you need to do each day to be successful with our #1 strategy for rapid account growth.   An optimized version of a high tight flag strategy used by many of the best performing traders of our time.


We will also be looking at all the top stocks setting up a potential entry in our #2 strategy for rapid account growth.   During the training, I will personally take your questions and you will get the answers you need from a successful trader with 2 decades of market experience.


We will also cover the only 2 day trading setups that worked for us well outside of shorting risky penny stocks after testing many other strategies promoted online.  The complete strategy will be unveiled that is great to use during earnings season which lasts about 6 to 8 weeks each quarter including many good late reporters.


We will also have training sessions on one of the top performing strategies over the past 2 quarters.  Another segment will cover how to get full use of the daily alert service for rapid account growth.


Another segment will cover how base hits in trading (7% to 15% wins) that play out within a few days can beat a 100% move over the next year with lower drawdowns.  This is important to understand in trading.


Some of you will want to trade more to achieve rapid growth with lower drawdowns.  Others will not be concerned about the larger drawdowns with longer hold times.  We will show you both approaches and the pros/cons of each.


We will also have a segment on the 3 Stocks to Wealth strategy and why our favorite ranking strategy had 2 of its best months ever over the past 4 months.  After 12+ years of terrific performance overall, 2 recent months were off the charts good.  This intensive training will go over new tips and insights for using this approach.


You also receive 2 months of the 3 Stocks to Wealth service with the boot camp.  A $330 value free with the boot camp.  The upgraded service has a whole catalogue of videos with more great trading tips and tactics for trading earnings breakouts for longer hold times.

This special $500 discounted offer on this new boot camp with bonuses is good for a limited time.  The boot camp is 2 weeks and starts on Sunday, March 9th.  Recordings of many of the boot camp daily sessions will be available to those who take advantage of this offer.


We will only accept a handful of students with this discounted, introductory offer.   So act today.

We have been a proud member of the online Better Business Bureau since 2006 with their highest A+ rating!  We have served thousands of satisfied customers over more than 15 years., LLC - Copyright All Rights Reserved © 2019 -  Today