With so many indicators, technical measures, and ways to analyze a stock, its easy to lose sight of one of the simplest, most effective exit strategies. This is the sell limit [...]
A market trending into new highs can favor different exit strategies than a bear market or market in a correction. Today, we will go over the ever shifting market environment and [...]
The 3 Stocks to Wealth Strategy taught on our sister site, investtobefree.com, is off to a strong start in 2024 after a very good 2023. This very simple, focused strategy continues to [...]
Looking at the biggest winners in our alert service over the past year, one thing becomes clear. Overhead resistance is an important consideration when sizing up a potential swing trade. [...]
We just saw several good swing trading opportunities on the back of great earnings reports. In todays blog post, we will be going over how we make money on earnings reports along with [...]
The flat base pattern is one of the more bullish chart patterns on great stocks. Last week we just captured a couple more winners by identifying this fairly common chart pattern. [...]
When trading, its important to note the tendencies of your swing trading strategies and how they fluctuate over time. This helps to identify the best stock trading strategies to use in [...]
In the last blog post, we talked about how channeling stocks can be a great strategy and is one of our favorites after trying dozens of strategies and over 10,000 live trades over more [...]
Over the past several months we have been talking about 3 favorite strategies we use to make money trading. The third strategy we will cover in todays blog post is called stock [...]
New Video! Early December is one of our favorite times to play big earnings flags. During and after each earnings season, a lot of great earnings flags set up on [...]