, LLC, Investment Advisory Services, Cary, NC

A Simple Short-term Swing Trading Strategy for Rapid Account Growth

 In Hot Stocks, Swing Trading


Since we went live with the new rapid account builder videos, we have seen many stocks form the #1 technical pattern taught in the new videos.


So far all have been winners using the entry/exit strategy taught in the course.  Not so much for the ones that did not meet all the rules pre-market on the day of the breakout.


AAOI, SMMT and many others met the course rules before the market opened on the day they reached the entry point in the strategy.


The stocks that get off to a great start out of very bullish chart patterns often set up multiple bullish patterns where we can enter a trade with a tight stop-loss and great upside potential.


APP is a stock we featured in the daily alert less than 2 weeks ago that met the rules in one of the bonus strategies taught in the new rapid account growth videos.  The stock ripped 40% higher within a week and a half after meeting all the rules in the videos pre-market on the day of the breakout.  It held a 1% stop-loss below the technical entry point as it rose 40% in just days.


These are the kinds of trades you want to patiently wait for when going after hyper account growth.  Lesser quality trades can be a waste of precious time and trading capital.


We will be watching APP for more bullish patterns for subscribers of the daily alert.


In todays blog post, we will go over the simple steps in using the #1 strategy in the new rapid account growth videos.


Step #1 – Build Your Watch List


The videos show you how to use free screeners to find the top performing stocks over the past few weeks, months and years.  Once you have this list, you just look for the technical pattern that you can spot very quickly.


If the pattern meets the trend, technical and consolidation rules, you set a price alert with your online broker.  Again, this is free with your online broker.  No need to spend thousands on pricey screeners and alert services when you first start trading our most effective strategy for hyper account growth.


If the pattern is formed, you also put the stock on your watch list.


Step #2 – Check Your Watch List Before the Market Opens or Just Wait for the Text from Your Online Broker


You can check your watch list each morning for the key factors explained in the videos.  If all the factors are present, get ready for a fun ride later that day if the stock reaches the entry point.


The #1 strategy brings us qualified trades several times per month on average.  More during earnings season and fewer between earnings seasons.  Earnings season comes up each quarter or 4 times per year and lasts several weeks.


Step #3 – Once You Receive a Text, Check the Rules


If a stock reaches the entry point, your online broker texts you immediately.


After receiving the text, you just check a few things taught in the course.  These checks can be done pre-market as well if convenient for you.


Step # 4 – Enter Your Orders


If everything checks out, you just enter the buy order in your trading app (starting on a simulator first to gain confidence).


Then enter a limit order and stop-loss order with your online broker.  Optionally, you can keep a portion of the position for a potentially much larger profit.


That’s it.  This keeps it super simple if you are pressed for time.  Again, commissions are free with most online brokers.


Step # 5 – Go Over the Trades to Ensure You are Following Your Rules and Clean Up any Mistakes Periodically


Its real, real simple.


The video below shows how simple the strategy is.



You can even do it all on a smartphone.  No need to spend thousands on an expensive PC, monitors and other pricey services and trading tools.


The hardest part is spending months or years to develop the strategy and set of qualification rules for the extremely high win rate while using a tight stop with twice as much upside as downside.


Once you have the great strategy and a set of overall market trend qualification rules, the rest is real straightforward.


Using our top intraday strategy, it would take at least 5 to 10 times as many day trades to equal just one of these swing trades.  And that day trading strategy is very good as well.


But it only comes up during earnings season and there are just not enough of them.  During earnings season, its better to play only the best earnings breakouts as a swing trade anyway in our opinion.


This swing trading approach saves a TON of time and gives you a lot of peace of mind once you see how well it works.


Save yourself years of trial and error by using our #1 strategy for hyper account growth.



Check out the New Videos Now




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